Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Upcoming DRAGONART EVOLUTION Review Giveaway

Let’s face it: today’s kids don’t know how to use their imaginations and that means that they are not being creative. A lot of this has to do with the time that they spend watching television and playing video games. According to National Institute on Media and the Family, American children watch about 25 hours of television and play seven hours of computer games weekly.

Remember when we were kids we spent time outside, used our imaginations, read books, and spent time being creative and it did not take much for us to get creative either. These days, if you want your children to enjoy play and be creative, they need encouragement. J. “NeonDragon” Peffer’s newest release DRAGONART EVOLUTION (Impact Books; August 2010; $22.99) is a start because it brings their favorite fictional characters to life on paper and through creative imagination.

The review should be up by Friday and you will have one week to enter. I also have an upcoming review for Ebeanstalk Toys.  I have done reviews before for Ebeanstalk and I find that they are unique because they provide learning toys and educational toys that promote a child's development rather than simply providing toys.