Thursday, July 25, 2013

Book Review of Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries by Vanita Oelschlager

This is a great book to share with children of all ages.  It is a wonderful way to show children magic of idioms. If you don’t know, idioms are words that separately have one meaning but put together they mean something different.  Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries by Vanita Oelschlager uses food idioms to explain this concept.

Examples of food idioms include phases such as “couch potato,” “the whole enchilada,” and crying over spilt milk. Illustrated by Robin Hegan, Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries uses unusual illustrations to describe what the words literally mean.

The bizarre photos force the reader to guess the actual meanings of what the words literally mean.  The meanings are found upside in the corner of each page. 

By the books end, there a section discussing how figures of speech work in everyday language. This makes it a remarkable educational tool because children are always curious about language and when you make it fun, kids want to learn even more.

You can purchase Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries from any fine book retailer, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You also find at Wal-Mart’s online site.

About the Author:  Vanita Oelschlager is a former teacher and author of several children’s books.   

About the Illustrator:  Robin Hegan is a published illustrator of several children’s books. 

I was not paid for this review.  I received an E-book from the publisher for my review.