Monday, October 12, 2009

Working Moms Can Stop Feeling Guilty

"It seems that no educated modern woman can have a baby without suffering agonies of self-doubt about the meaning of motherhood." Danielle Crittenden of the National Review discussing Susan Chira’s A Mother’s Place: Taking the Debate About Working Mothers Beyond Guilt and Blame.

Working mothers can completely relate to Ms. Crittenden’s assertion, and "suffering agonies of self-doubt about the meaning of motherhood" is most commonly associated with working mom guilt. Dropping off your child to daycare for eight plus hours a day can take a toll on any parent, but for working moms the feelings of guilt are much stronger as a result of the expectations of society and even the portrayals of working mothers in the media and the corporate world. In addition, working moms feel even guiltier when they arrive home to the second shift and become too busy to spend time with their children.  READ MORE.


As many of you know, I am a Working Mom Examiner for the Examiner Cleveland edition.  As a working mom of many years, issues such as working mom guilt, work-life balance, and time management are all areas close to my heart. I appreciate your comments and your suggestions.  Be subscribe via email to receive updates.

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